Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise (ETE) Returns for 2021

Chariot Solutions
2 min readApr 12, 2021

Entering its 15th year, the Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference has brought the leaders of the open source community to Philadelphia to teach about their projects, their work and how these technologies are changing software development. During this time, ETE has become one of the largest gatherings of developers in the mid-Atlantic.

Our community gathered online for 2020 and will be virtual again for 2021. While it goes without saying that we’d prefer to be learning together in person, we look at this as an opportunity to rethink how Philly ETE can be presented — a digital format has allowed us to expand our geography (in terms of speakers and audience) in a way we hadn’t been able to previously.

The conference boasts world-famous speakers giving concrete, practical demos of the latest technologies. Many of them invented the technology they’re speaking about, or are core committers to major FOSS projects. But we also highlight technologists who are using these technologies in working environments.

A sampling of our lineup at ETE 2021.

Keynote speakers include: Alan Kay, object-oriented programming pioneer; Amber Case, cyborg anthropologist; and a dual keynote with Kent Beck, the father of extreme programming; and Jessica Kerr, symmathecist.

Session speakers include: Brian Goetz, Java architect; David Nolen, ClojureScript lead developer; Angie Jones, Java Champion; Nicole Forsgren, co-author of Accelerate; and many other authors, committers, and experts.

The program covers AWS, Project Loom, IaC, Web AR/VR, Micro Frontends, Testing ML-enabled applications, Chaos Engineering, Secure by Design, Golang, Systems Thinking ; and much more.

Tickets are $89, but we encourage you to attend with your team — buy 3 tickets, and get one free! We hope to see you there.

Register today:



Chariot Solutions

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